Próxima Experiencia: Ironman of Life, Marzo 2023 Área de miembros Carrito 0 ESP | ENG
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Vision of an achievement

Por: Dr. Roch, El 13 junio, 2023

Having a vision of achievement is the greatest gift a human being can offer to others. We are all born as geniuses. Unfortunately, most of us die in mediocrity.

I hope you don’t mind me revealing this deep certainty to you, even though we have just met. But I must be honest.

I should also share with you that I am an ordinary guy who was fortunate enough to discover a series of extraordinary teachings and insights during my doctoral studies and through my interactions with ordinary people in the field of work. And those discoveries helped me achieve business success and a fulfilling life.

The good news is that I am here on my website to offer you everything I have discovered in this amazing adventure. That way, you too can achieve spectacular results at work and live a fulfilling life, starting today.

The effective lessons I will reveal to you will unfold gently, with great care, and with my sincerest encouragement.

The journey we are about to embark on will be filled with fun, inspiration, and entertainment.

The principles and tools you will discover will give wings to your career, lead you to new levels of happiness, and allow you to fully express your best self.

But above all, I promise to be honest. You deserve that respect. I love to eat; it is one of the greatest pleasures in life for me, along with good conversation, my favorite sports, and good books. There is no other place in the world like the place where Guanajuato sends me every day.

My parents were not perfect, but who is? What matters is that they always did their best. And, for me, doing your best means doing everything you can. Then, you can go home and sleep peacefully.

Worrying about things that are beyond our control is a good way to make yourself sick. Besides, most of the things we worry about never happen.

The real problems in life are usually things we haven’t even thought about, things that suddenly assault us on an ordinary Tuesday afternoon.

I reflect on the fact that we often fail to realize the importance of the people we love until we lose them. Then, we take long, silent walks and pray for a second chance to treat them as they deserved.

Please, don’t have to regret something like that in your life. It happens too often to too many people. If you are still fortunate to have your parents, love them and respect them.

I grew up as a mischievous and restless child. “A heart with two legs,” my grandfather used to say.

It never crossed my mind to harm anyone or cause any trouble. I struggled in school, but I had success with friends and played soccer and did athletics on the school team.

Everything changed when I won the award for the second-best child athlete.

That’s where my journey to study my inner development, intelligence, memory, and how the minds of my teachers worked began.

The rest is history. In sixth grade, I achieved an average grade of 9.5, and in the third year of high school, I excelled in almost all my exams due to high performance. That’s how my current work emerged. If I could overcome my brain’s lack of memory and my academic struggles, I can deal with anyone else’s challenges.

Thank you for reading me, Dr. Roch.


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