
Forcing adjustment is useless

Forcing adjustment is useless, but not fitting in anywhere is worse.

That’s why it’s important to direct your attention towards acceptance, even when you feel you can’t grant it to yourself. When you realize that the way forward is inward, then you’re starting in the right direction towards adjustment.

It’s curious how the mind, when it can’t find the solution within you, seeks it outside and in appearances. This behavior can lead to consequences like poverty, pain, wasted energy, and, above all, a frustration that can affect you physically, mentally, and emotionally.

We should never trust a lying mind as an advisor, although it will always be an easy temptation to listen to and follow.

I’m tired of the gurus on social media who promote the easy path of the deceitful mind and praise it as cheap and effortless. They suggest actions, ideas, and naive practices that don’t yield results but are attractive enough to be believed. What if it works? I won’t miss out. But in the end, you lose your time, your money, your faith, your effort… and especially in these matters.

The only way to find your real place is to start by discovering more about yourself and your true desires. It requires a lot of personal work, but in the process, you can’t avoid having to earn a living!

In my experience and ongoing search, the game works with my personal effort to be the best human being I can be, while holding onto my essence and, at the same time, developing the skills and growth I need to reach my fullest potential.

Start there, ask yourself where you want to be and where you are today… Just don’t leave it for later, as your lying mind will surely recommend. Thanks for reading. Leave me your comments. I’m listening, Dr. Roch.