Próxima Experiencia: Ironman of Life, Marzo 2023 Área de miembros Carrito 0 ESP | ENG
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Fear of Fear

Por: Dr. Roch, El 10 octubre, 2023

Today, I will talk to you about fear and how dreadful it can be. When your heart races, your palms get sweaty, and there’s a knot in your stomach, your fears certainly know how to make a grand entrance. And sometimes, their presence isn’t too obvious; they simmer beneath the surface, slowly eroding our peace.

No matter how daunting fear may seem, it is, in the end, a feeling. And all feelings are temporary. They always pass.

Don’t let fear control your life. Our fears weave a web of worst-case scenarios and keep us trapped in it.

When you confront your fears, you gain the courage to move forward despite what they tell you. And you realize that, after all, the worst-case scenarios are not real. Change your response to fear.

This month, challenge yourself to change your response to fear.

Fears make you feel uncomfortable, and believing what they tell you will only lead to regret and dissatisfaction. Facing your fears can also be uncomfortable, but you know that you will emerge stronger and gain freedom and peace.

If you don’t confront your fears, they will become stronger. And they will continue to control every aspect of your life. Facing fears can be an incredibly overwhelming experience. But once you overcome that initial wave of intense emotions, everything becomes easier.

Keep breathing. Use relaxation techniques and raw reality awareness to calm your nervous system and free yourself from fear-based thoughts.

Mindfulness in raw reality allows you to detach from your thoughts and adopt a broader perspective. You learn to see the big picture and understand that many of your fears are not grounded in reality. Face your fears.

Let your thoughts settle. Once your mind is quiet, you can discover the root of your fears and choose your response.

Be kind to yourself as you learn to confront your fears. You will stumble many times on this journey. But don’t be discouraged.

Don’t give up. Many things are beyond our control, and we cannot predict what will happen, but we can always choose to give our best effort. Even when things don’t go as planned, we can learn from our experience and try a new approach. Fears are about what might happen in the future.

When you choose to live in the present moment and accept your life as it is, it becomes easier to stop worrying about what might happen.

Keep your mind focused on what is real and important as you experience how your life unfolds moment by moment. There’s no need to rush. Everything unfolds in divine order. Trust the events taking place in your life right now.

Your life is changing positively.

If you want to delve deeper into this topic, I invite you to enroll in my three-day retreat titled “Naked Relationships.”

Thank you for reading.

Dr. Roch


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