Próxima Experiencia: Ironman of Life, Marzo 2023 Área de miembros Carrito 0 ESP | ENG
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What is a coach?

The literal translation of the word “Coach” is Trainer. In part we can better understand the meaning of “Coach” by comparing it with that of ” Trainer “, but we could inevitably fall into the error of making a literal comparison of these terms, if we do not know how to distinguish the differences between one and the other.

What are the similarities and differences between a Coach and a Trainer?


They focus on improving the performance of their “customer”.

It is entirely dedicated to “players” / “customers”.

It says “we” and “ours”, never “you” and never “for them”.

It does not impose any limits on the performance of individual participants or teams.

Act as a role model for others to imitate.

Work with patience, attending to the details of each person’s performance.

It does not attract attention, leaving the recognition to others.

He constantly learns something with situations and people.


A trainer is not necessarily an “expert” in the field dealing with the “client”.

The trainer does not give “advice” or “warnings”.

The Coach does not determine what the “client will do” but rather the client himself defines his goals and actions.

A Coach triggers reasoning before ACTION.

The Coach sticks to the “agenda”, “goals” or “objectives” of the client.

What can I talk to Dr. Roch about?


Of your questions. Of your problems. Of your feelings. What makes you mad. From your changes and challenges. Of your doubts. From your promises and declarations. Of your decisions. Of your progress and recognition. Of your fears. Of your projects. Of your feelings.


Management of your staff, time management, executive agenda, lack of motivation in the staff, the goals as a company, its challenges, its progress, its projects, any internal or external problem to the company that is affecting its performance, etc.

What tools does Dr. Roch use in his work?

Apart from the skills of a good coach, essential for his professional practice, such as tuning, harmony and reporting with the client, active listening, observation among many others, Basic Coaching can be explained in the following scheme:

C ompetecy (Competence) – Recognize the client’s competences, abilities and strengths.

O utcomes (Results) – Know and check the objectives / results that the client seeks.

A ction (Action) – Establish the tactics or actions that will be carried out (by the client).

CH ecking (Control) Give feedback and follow-up to the client.

To achieve this, Dr. Roch uses tests, direct questions to the client and an extremely powerful “Alliance” relationship dynamic when defining these issues.

This is the standard in a Coach, to this are added the research, techniques, exercises and tools developed by Dr. Roch such as: E.B.E. Evidence-Based Execution, Minimax and extensive research on the Thymus and its relationship with the chemistry of the brain and the secretions of different glands so that the process is not only superficial if it does not have external, internal and spiritual results; and thus manage to maintain the growth process independently by the client in the long term.

Who hires Dr. Roch?

Those who want more, who want to grow and want to have better results, effectively using their resources and energy.

Those who have spent months and even years thinking about things they would like to do, have or be, but who never decided to start or always stood at the same point and really want to do it.

Dr. Roch can help you overcome problems and achieve your personal, work, social and life goals and objectives.

Who can benefit from coaching?


Anyone who has a goal or an unspecified objective.

To the one who is open to transformation and personal and professional growth.

To those who are looking for an opportunity to change their future.

To the one who is stopped in some area of ​​his life.

Whoever wants to find a purpose in their life and a meaning to what they do.

Whoever is willing to bet on himself.

Whoever wants more and better.

When one of the following questions makes you consider that where you are now or what you are doing is not enough in life: Do you enjoy what you do? Are you excited about your future? Is this the life you would choose? Do you find meaning in what you do? Are you happy with your relationships? Do you take advantage of your free time?


Organizations benefit from:

Facilitate the rapprochement between workers and the exchange of their knowledge, skills and experiences, so that everyone learns something.

Make the most of opportunities that arise at work to collect lessons.

Avoid hours employees would spend outside of work to attend courses or seminars.

Facilitate transfer from what was learned to situations that arise at work.

Foster an environment of continuous training, support and responsibility.

Improve the quality of work. And more.

If workers and their productivity improve, the basic line of the company will have improved.

What do I need Dr. Roch for?

The first thing to be clear about is that a Coach is NOT needed, a Coach is WANTED.

Great athletes would not think about going to an Olympics without a trainer. They know that a coach will be there to observe, support, and point the way to perfection.


Dr. Roch shares technical support with a fruitful relationship that brings out the best in you and gives you the ability to go from being good to being a champion. It can give you the same vision in your business as in your life.

If you want to know if you WANT to work with Dr. Roch, you can answer this question: Are you living a life designed based on your values ​​and dreams or are you stuck in making a life?


In today’s time, managers need to produce results faster than before.

The traditional way of achieving this, for example, controlling everything and giving instructions, no longer has a result in today’s life situation.

The worker aspires to get more satisfaction from his job. – Therefore, managers must strive to make the job more rewarding and focus on making the worker feel more accomplished with their work.

Today’s managers have to solve the following time paradox: To save more time, you have to spend more time with workers.

To invest profitably in staff, managers will have to be deeply convinced that people can achieve everything they think can be achieved and must constantly be reinforcing that belief.

How do I hire Dr. Roch?

Find the service or experience that is most to your liking.

Contact us, through any of the different media, social networks, WhatsApp or the contact form on our page, to request more information about the topics or experiences that caught your attention.

Clarify all your doubts about the services we offer and you will be working on the dates that best suit according to the client / Dr. Roch.

I am interested in a topic that is not on your page. Can they fit the theme I need?

Yes. The extensive research that Dr. Roch has carried out allows him to adapt to the specific needs of individuals or companies.

What do Dr. Roch services include?

Dr. Roch offers a comprehensive service for choosing, hiring and staging your conference or experience.

We take care of all the details so that you can focus on the most important thing, your event:

Proposal and quote for services that cover the profile you are looking for in your event.

Direct negotiation.

Preparation of contracts.

Payment management.

Pedagogical elements.

Multimedia material.

Advice and assistance before, during and after the event.

What are Dr. Roch’s advantages over other speakers?

World Support

Dr. Roch is a PLATINUM member of the World Network of Speakers and has been named as one of the best speakers in Mexico.

Multidisciplinary catalog

We have themes and experiences for all areas of people’s lives. Labor, family, social and personal.

Constantly updated

Dr. Roch is constantly learning and updating, always developing new research and putting it into practice in each of his conferences, courses and experiences.

Expert team

We have an experienced team in different areas of multimedia production to carry out projects that help the best information processing by the participants, with innovative pedagogical techniques and the best technology available.

Transparent costs

Hiring Dr. Roch does not involve any unforeseen costs, all costs are declared in the most transparent and clear way possible, without adding costs outside the initial budget.

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Nuestras oficinas
+52 (477) 711 8884 | +52 (477) 711 5443

Team Dr. Roch
+52 (477) 552 1969

Paseo de Jerez Norte 301 Col. Punto Verde León, Guanajuato, México C.P. 37298