

The mind cannot change, it loves what is known.
It is theoretical and perfectionist, it is unreal.

We live in time, we relate to time, we talk about time, past, present and future, we meditate on time, but we do not really understand it. Nowadays many people talk about the present moment, without going into what this means.

Human beings do not inhabit their bodies, they inhabit most of the time only their minds, and their minds are never in the current moment, in the valid moment, they are always in the past and cause us depression, or in the future and cause us anxiety. But they cannot be in the “present moment” either, because this is so fleeting that as soon as you perceive it, it disappears. It does not exist, it is not current and it is not valid.

For this reason, change is constant, it is perpetual MOVEMENT, like the hands of a clock. Temporal life is a fluid movement that never stops. Temporal life stops or ceases when our body disappears. But our brain, which is in our body, does not accept change, in the same way that it does not accept impermanence. It clings hopelessly to the present, the past or the future. It clings to what is theoretically perfect, and that is why from the brain we cannot change, nor do we want to change, even if we proclaim it to the four winds: “I want to change my habits! I want to lose weight! I want to be better!” But, generally, no aspiration, resolution or goal works, because we do not understand that change is impossible and the desire to change only brings us suffering, because the desire to change brings with it a hidden desire for perfection or rather perfectionism that only serves to demonstrate and make evident our dissatisfaction and our discontent with what we are and what we do. Because we have not understood that the only thing that is worth finding the meaning of our existence is movement.

Mother Teresa said with incredible vision and wisdom: “If you can't fly, run; if you can't run, walk; if you can't walk, crawl; if you can't crawl, creep; if you can't crawl, roll… but never stop moving.”

The past is dead, the present is elusive and does not really exist, and the future is uncertain and ungraspable. Focus on the movement of each moment; accept the reality of the current moment, do not want to change it. Focus on the movement in your life, do it with compassion, tolerance and empathy towards yourself and those around you; do not judge them or yourself:

Concentrate on the path, not on the obstacles along the way; focus on the current moment, on the movement. Let go of the past and do not blame yourself. Keep your consciousness pristine (the purest). Clinging to the present moment is useless, because it is non-existent. There is only the current moment and it is perennial movement. Allow the reality of your movement to outline your future.

Trust that you can. It's only difficult if you allow it to be.

Keep moving in the current moment. Don't stop while you are alive in the temporal life. Thanks for reading.
