
7 keys to improve coexistence in confinement

Surely you are with your loved ones now in this complicated transitional phase of the world, Family is your main social circle According to research published in Psychology Science of Therapy, it is essential to carry out activities that promote coexistence, to achieve healthy emotional and cognitive development, so looking on the positive side, this is the perfect time to promote a beautiful and healthy coexistence.

Having a good relationship with siblings and parents strengthens emotional ties and improves self-esteem of each member of the family. 

1.- Dedicate time to everything.

Take your time for everything, there's no rush, it's time to repair your leaks, organize drawers, clean the pantry, everything you don't do because you don't have time. Get busy.

2.- Look for ways to help.

Look for ways to help. Support others in their tasks, take advantage of the opportunity to get to know your children and siblings, find out their interests and help.

3.- Cook, clean, talk and laugh together. 

Positive family preparing lunch together

Cook, clean, talk and laugh together. Make most of your meals together, divide up chores, be partners in small things from start to finish.

4.- Be spontaneous.

Be spontaneous. When you are together, enjoy the moment and share small experiences, like just watching a movie. Don't feel like you're doing nothing, don't blame yourself for this time, nobody planned it, but you can make good use of it.

5.- Tell something important about yourself.

Tell something important about yourself to your family, your quarantine companions, your children, take advantage and be honest, open your heart, your life and allow them to do it.

6.- Be productive and cooperative.

Be productive and cooperative in household chores. Helping around the house allows you to keep your mind occupied and get to know everyone's needs better.

7.- Practice patience and love.

Practice patience and love with your family, force yourself to listen, you don't know how enriching it can be for you and others.