Próxima Experiencia: Ironman of Life, Marzo 2023 Área de miembros Carrito 0 ESP | ENG
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Por: Dr. Roch, El 5 septiembre, 2023

Take a moment to pay attention. Thank you for reading this content.

Focus time.

A moment to pause and stop amidst the whirlwind of your life.

Here are four points of reflection based on my experience:

  1. How am I progressing in achieving my goals?

An aim without actions and decisions never materializes; if you don’t achieve your goals, you don’t value or respect yourself. The mind should be engaged in action, objectives, or gossip. What is yours focused on?

  1. Who am I becoming with the decisions and path I’m following?

One who steals becomes a thief. One who ventures becomes an entrepreneur; one who loves becomes passionate about life.

  1. What have I learned in the last six months of my life? Creating a summary is essential for generating awareness.
  2. What aspect should I concentrate on to attain my personal goals in this phase of my life?

Remember that you’ll never be the age you are today again. The cost of opportunity is crucial. It doesn’t return if you don’t seize it when it appears.

  1. Acknowledge and celebrate the achievements you’ve reached up to today. Your list of successes is vital for your self-esteem. The deceiving mind only recalls our failures. Don’t allow it to disqualify you.
  2. Is it necessary to adjust something in the original plan of your life or add something you need? This is the moment. Cast aside useless distractions and focus on what’s essential.

And a significant extra:

Remind yourself to set challenging and attainable goals.

If it’s an immensely large goal, you can break it down into parts. Patiently. Without rushing, but consistently.

Recharge and rejuvenate that thymus energy and move forward despite the criticisms of your deceiving mind. Aim for the sky with determination.

If you wish to delve deeper into this topic, I recommend reading the book “Personal Reengineering.” Thank you, Dr. Roch.


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