Wealth, fame, power… They are not the way!
Neither wealth, nor fame, nor power are the path to fulfillment and happiness.
Since the appearance of homo-sapiens, we as humanity have been clear that the meaning of history is the search for the common good.
I wonder at what point did we start to care about individual benefit instead of collective benefit?
At what point did we accept the discourse of wealth as the way forward?
At what point did fear begin to dictate our behavior?
Ah! I am convinced and aware that the visible world has its origin inside in the invisible world.
That the outside world is only a reflection of the way we think, feel, and direct our attention.
In the outside world it is only a reflection of the way we love ourselves as we love others.
We have lived for many years under an obsolete model. Many of the things that used to work now break down reality.
Modern reality and the modern world have already changed, but the way we see it has also changed.
Nowadays we see ourselves in the same way as the person next to us, even though we are both present at the same event.
The modern reality is that you see what you want to see. Or rather, you see what you were taught to see. Or worse still, you see what you can see from where you are, but you never have the full 360° view by yourself. To achieve this, it would be necessary to take into account the vision of reality of at least 12 people.
From this inner perspective I would like to start a conversation with you about modern reality, about what is happening in your world, about what you want to see in the world.
It is important that you look at yourself, that you look at your life and discover the images that have accompanied you, the moments that have marked you, the events that have transformed you into what you are today.
When you were a child, many things happened to me, and many things happened to me that you didn't notice. When you were a child, you saw things that you no longer see as an adult.
The important thing is that you learn to rescue those small fragments of life lived, and the longing of your inner wise self that has always believed in you and has wanted to build a better world than the one you have today.
I trust that this article and my words have been useful to you.
Thank you for reading me.
– Dr. Roch