Próxima Experiencia: Ironman of Life, Marzo 2023 Área de miembros Carrito 0 ESP | ENG
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If you are reading this article, it is because you are trying to overcome difficult times in life. Below, I will show you 7 practical guides that will help you during the process:

  1. Accept Your Pain The first step, although perhaps the most difficult, is to accept what is happening to you. A common mistake is to seek refuge in avoidance. Always remember that accepting your pain will allow you to put an end to it.The way to accept the difficult moments in life should consider these two approaches:
    • On the one hand, you should not judge yourself for it. Try to distance yourself from the feelings of guilt that haunt your mind.
    • Additionally, remember that accepting the situation does not mean it doesn’t matter or that it shouldn’t hurt.
    Once you are aware of that pain, it is easier to rationalize your emotions. Identifying the cause of your emotions and being aware of the stages you can go through will help you overcome difficult moments in life.
  2. Remind Yourself That It Won’t Be Like This Forever This life is temporary, and everything eventually comes to an end.The awareness that you are passing through helps you endure bad times and accept the pain they generate. Even if you cannot find a way to overcome difficult moments in life right now, repeat: “It won’t be like this forever.” I focus on improving my situation and appreciate the small gains from the great losses. This is best done when you do it from time and let your spirit guide your life and silence your lying mind.
  3. Don’t Hide Your Emotions Sadness, grief, or indignation are normal and necessary emotions. Do not try to repress them. It is good to let them flow and share them with the people around you. Involving those who love you will help you release some of the weight they carry. Avoid hiding your emotions.Adopting a hermetic attitude strengthens those thoughts of sadness or anguish and will cause you more harm. And it’s not easy! Here are some ways to help you express them:
    • Have someone in your circle you can vent to. Look for a trustworthy person who is empathetic and can provide unconditional support.
    • Opt to pour all your emotions onto a blank page. For some people, writing their reflections or thoughts is therapeutic. Putting words to what distresses you can help you better understand your emotions.
    • If writing is not your strong suit, record it in audio or video and review it several times later.
    • Try another artistic activity you identify with. Whether it is dance, painting, theater, or music, creative activities will help you through the process of emotional healing.
  4. Seek Support from Mature People Surrounding yourself with an optimistic environment will contribute to achieving the strength to overcome difficult moments in life. Engage in activities that keep you distracted. Why not have a fun picnic in the countryside? Why not take a walk through the center of a town or your city? Or maybe you fancy spending a fun morning skating in a park? Staying active will help distract you from what torments you.
  5. Focus on Your Goals Do not let sadness take over you. Remember that problems do not disappear on their own. Therefore, it is important to focus on your goals. If your goal is to overcome a breakup, a depression, or even the death of a loved one, work to achieve it. Set a goal to stay focused on a temporary task like reading, singing, drawing, writing, walking, and doing it consciously well.There will be days when you don’t feel like getting out of bed. Other days, you will think you won’t make it. Repeat again and again that you are capable of achieving a small goal: staying focused on the action you are currently performing. Discipline yourself and set small daily objectives. I call them baby steps.This way, each day you will gain small doses of motivation that will encourage you to continue.
  6. Try to Untie Yourself from the Past Untying yourself from the past does not mean forgetting it. You should not allow memories to paralyze you. Try to understand that the adversity you are fighting against occurred in your past, and now it is time to move on to another stage of your life.Use those melancholic memories as a source of inspiration. Some people transform them into lessons. For others, the past serves as motivation to achieve what that loved one would have wanted you to achieve.
  7. Seek Help from a Specialist Overcoming difficult times is not something you have to do alone! A specialist can help you understand what is happening to you and how to cope with it.Just as we go to our primary doctor when we are sick, we can see a psychologist or psychiatrist when our soul hurts. At Dr Roch, we know the importance of having good professionals to rely on, which is why we offer our three-day retreats. Check them out on our website.

Thank you for reading. Dr. Roch

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